Chapter Fundraising
Fundraising is a key part of the SkillsUSA program of work. Without funds, it is hard to execute most activities. In addition to helping to finance the local chapter, a fundraising activity can also provide many valuable learning experiences for students. From project management to forecasting profits, setting timelines, working in teams and being accountable for results, fundraising teaches many skills that will be needed on the job and in life.
There are many ways to raise funds for your chapter, from weekly flower or pizza sales to an annual health fair, car show, silent auction, flea market, art show and other annual events. You can also team up with an established fundraising company to sell their products using their products and marketing materials. When possible, it is wonderful to incorporate the technical skills your students are learning as well as opportunities for students to speak to business partners and other adults. These are great ways to reinforce the skills being developed in the classroom.
To start, chapter officers should work with advisors to determine a SkillsUSA budget for the school year to cover the costs of chapter activities, travel to competitions, official attire or contest uniforms, curriculum, equipment, or other chapter materials. Next, determine what portion of the budget can be provided through student payment, a student activity fee or Perkins funding. The balance can then be raised through fundraising activities. Review your organization budget with your principal to be sure it aligns with school policy and procedure.
Student participation is an important factor in the management of money that will be raised for their benefit. Fundraising ideas should be approved by the whole chapter. And all funds raised should benefit those students currently enrolled in your programs.
Chapter Fundraising Checklist
Below is a handy checklist for your fundraising activities:
- Obtain a copy of your school policy regarding fundraising
- Have students brainstorm ways to raise funds
- Request approval of any contracts for goods or services
- Be familiar with any school insurance available to protect against liability
- Inventory merchandise to be sure you received what was ordered
- Check with companies for their return policy of any unsold goods
- Require strict accounting of all funds handled
- Provide adult supervision for all fundraising activities
- Establish clear timelines and deadlines for the fundraiser
- Have students organize work teams so a few students do not do all of the work
- Plan for safety and monitor safe work practices during all activities
- Employ a code of conduct for students who are participating
- Have students implement good financial procedures
- Assign one or two people to handle all receipts, expenditures, and accounting
- Establish deadlines for any money to be turned in
- Require receipts for any chapter purchases
- Require two signatures on checks if your SkillsUSA chapter has a checking account
Share your Fundraising NE ideas here.
Bakers Candies is a family business, Kevin and his two sons Todd and Paul, that strives to make the best gourmet chocolate, period. Todd and Paul are both past SkillsUSA Nebraska State Officers that still have the passion for SkillsUSA. They have witnessed the skills and leadership that plays into our organization; they are both a product of SkillsUSA.
The cost of this product to the Local SkillsUSA Chapter/State SkillsUSA Office is $2.75/box (24 boxes to a case). The suggested retail price is $5.35/box; however, you are able to set your own price.