October 24-27, 2024
Quality Inn River’s Edge Convention Center
Columbus, NE
The Mid-America Leadership Conference (Mid-Am) is a leadership conference with training for State/ Local Officers and Advisors on how to run a local chapter. Students and advisors will be divided into color chapters and they will run an entire year’s program in the 3 ½ days of the conference. The students will be planning, implementing and completing community service projects, fundraisers, officer elections, newspaper articles, contests, completing secretary’s and treasurer’s notebooks, business and industry field trips, general sessions and all the necessary elements to have a successful chapter through the National Program of Work, Chapter Excellence Program, SkillsUSA Framework and Career Essentials.
Students and Advisors will have many opportunities to network and interact with students/advisors from other states. This may be the best Chapter and Officer Development Conference in the nation. The Mid-America Conference has been re-evaluated and changed to make the training more process driven than results driven. If you have been to the Mid-America Conference before, you will want to come back and see the changes. If you have never attended before, you are in for a wonderful experience. Pretty intense – don’t bring your golf clubs!! We will add alumni training if there is enough interest.
What is Mid-America?
Who should attend?
The Mid-America Conference is open to state directors, state and local officers, advisors and students who want to become better leaders. Last year, seven states were represented from Regions 3, 4 & 5. This conference is open to all states. This conference is a must for new advisors.
What does it cost?
Click here for registration instructions (Advisors)
Registration – $50.00
Meal Ticket – $150.00 – Covers all lunches, dinners, sweet treat social.
(All schools will be invoiced through QuickBooks.)
Registration Deadline Wednesday October 9th!
Sleeping Rooms – (Pricing should be $107 per room).
Hotel reservations can be made by calling (402) 564-1492 and payment can be paid directly to the hotel. Be sure to ask for the SkillsUSA Room Block in order to receive this rate.
The average cost per student for the entire conference (including rooms & meals) averages $307 plus the cost of your transportation. Students may bring extra spending money for the fundraisers and social.
To attend any of our conferences, participants must have a signed Personal Liability & Medical Release Form, Code of Conduct, and Photography and Sound Release This document is kept by the advisor during the conference.
Tentative Schedule
Please arrive at the venue at 8:00 a.m. the first day of the conference and have your buses scheduled for pickup at 10:00 a.m. on the last day.
SkillsUSA Mid-America $1500 Partnership
Have you ever wondered what a local SkillsUSA chapter does throughout the school year, prior to and after the state/national conference? Here is your chance to see how a chapter operates during the school year!
$1500.00 sponsorship:
- Recognized as a Mid-Am Chapter Sponsor and will be associated with that chapter (25 -30 students/advisors) during the conference.
- Opportunity to address approximately 200 students/advisors in a General Session
- Name/logo recognition on the conference t-shirt and advertisement in conference program
- Opportunity to judge a leadership competition.
- Opportunity to be an integral part of a team working and assisting with the color chapter activities though out the conference.
- Opportunity to achieve the Mid-America Statesman Award
- Asking for at least one representative from each Sponsorship to participate at a minimum for part of one day, with the opportunity for this person/s to be part of the conference for 3.5 days.
The sponsorship will help cover: Printing costs, color chapter supplies, rental of copier, costs to bring in 1 or 2 national officers (transportation, hotel, meal ticket), costs to bring in 2 alumni members (transportation, hotel, meal ticket), Friday transportation costs for industry visits and community service projects. Contact Greg Stahr [email protected] for more information.