So You Want to Be a State Officer
Characteristics of a Successful State Officer are:
- Dependable
- Punctual
- Realistic
- Cooperative
- Enthusiastic
- Friendly
- Self-Confident
- Loyal
Benefits and Opportunities available to State Officers:
- Bring positive recognition to yourself, school, community and state
- Develop a spirit of enthusiasm, pride in yourself and technology and engineering education
- Develop the ability to plan, organize and execute a full schedule of activities
- Develop self-confidence and poise
- Provides many opportunities to come in close contact with leaders in business and industry awhile working together for the benefit of technology and engineering education
- Opportunities to develop your leadership potential
- Opportunities to travel
Questions to ask yourself:
- Will you be able to miss 8-12 class days during the school year for SkillsUSA business and still be able to keep up in your classes?
- Will your parents and school administration endorse your candidacy?
- Are you willing to travel across the state for leadership training and to promote SkillsUSA?
- Will SkillsUSA be a top priority to you in your school over other activities?
- Will you be able to attend the required SkillsUSA events for Nebraska?
State Officer Requirements:
- Attendance of 75% or better at local chapter meetings and activities (on a yearly basis).
- A vote taken and recorded in minutes of the candidate’s local chapter to support the student in their application for state office.
- GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale while a SkillsUSA member.
- Must have competed in a competition at the high school state level prior to running for State office.
To apply for State Office:
- Complete the appropriate application below prior to State Leadership Conference. Due date is on application and is usually in March.
- HS State Officer Application 2025
- CT State Officer Candidate Application (Please contact Greg [email protected] if you wish to apply)